Monday, April 23, 2012

Golden List

I was challenged by friend to start a Golden List-a list of all the little things that make your heart smile. I began mine while out here in L.A & on those days that are particularly hard, I pull it up on my computer and read through it. This weekend I hit #200. I thought I would share some of them here (This post is for you Rebekah!)

"I would maintain that 'Thanks' are the highest form of thought; and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder."
-G.K Chesterton-

1. Sweet Tea
2. Vanilla Bean Ice Cream
3. The Smell of the Ocean
15. Theological Conversations
20. The feel of the sun on my skin
35. Thunderstorms
39. Wheat Beer
45. Awesome Mustaches
53. Atlanta Aquarium
68. Vans Shoes
70. Fireflies
71. Laughing children
75. Texts from my Sister
83. The Month of October
91. 'Away We Go' (movie)
102. Hipster Sweaters
114. Biking on PCH
132. My Anderson Cooper Bookmark
133. Bacon Wrapped Hotdogs (don't judge me!)
150. Hot Tea
163. Wrist Watches
196. Orange Trees
197. Swiping Oranges from said Orange Tree
203. Sea Anemones
207. Corporate Worship 

"The choice for gratitude rarely comes without some real effort. But each time I make it, the next choice is a little easier, a little freer, a little less self-conscious. Because every gift that I acknowledge reveals another and another until, finally, even the most normal, obvious, and seemingly mundane event or encounter proves to be filled with grace."
-Henri Nouwen-