Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Sacred & The Mundane: Vol I

    Since coming to L.A I’ve found myself in a very interesting place to say the least, most days  I would say a not so good place, spiritually speaking. I'm not sure where to find God these day- sure He's everywhere but  that's one of those abstract thoughts. I'm in a place right now that I need tangibility coupled with practicality. Sometimes I'll catch a glimpse of Him in my day. And maybe for this season, that's what it’s about. Looking for and taking pleasure in the little things. I thought about this a lot 2 Saturdays ago while I was biking down the PCH (Hwy 1).  Perhaps this is the tangibility & practicality that I've been praying for. (Sometimes I forget that what I pray for doesn't always come in the package that I expect it to) I've been having a hard time finding Him and maybe, just maybe the little things is where I'm supposed to be looking.

     As a result of this thought I've begun re-thinking my concept of what's considered spiritual. I used to think that spiritual things consisted of going to church, doing church things, reading, praying, saying & doing the right things (as much as possible), Making sure to follow the rules. As you're reading this you're probably going "to some extent that's true and to some extent some of that is legalism." My thoughts exactly- but what if it's more than that. What if we expanded spirituality to include the little things as well...since I'm certain that God exists there as well.
     So for me spirituality has now come to include having ice cream at my favorite place once a week, every week. Its hearing my kids say please & thank you without me reminding them. It’s my kids telling me that they're going to miss me in the afternoon because they know I won't be around to play. Spirituality for me has been expanded to throwing together a meal and having it turn out great. One of the biggest moments of spirituality for me is when I'm biking down the PCH (Hwy 1) or along the ocean in general, hitting my stride, in the zone, the salty ocean air in my lungs and on my face. This is one of the most consistently exhilarating and freeing times that I have since being out here-and to be honest that I've had in general for quite some time. Those moments of spirituality aren’t manufactured in a church building, by doing churchy things, or following rules, those moments happen in real life, while you're interacting with broken & hurting people, including one's self. And I'm NOT knocking the church, I just think that perhaps, there's not quite this distinct line between the sacred & the mundane.

Perhaps, the sacred & the mundane are one in the same, most days...

1 comment:

  1. have you ever read Ann Voskamp? because you're sounding a lot like her here. she's all about creating a habit of gratitude for the beauty in the mundane things...amazing perspective that I'm trying to absorb. you should read her book "One Thousand Gifts." Ready, go.
    Or you could go here:
